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Concern For The Environment With The Nokia E7 In Green And A Show Of Success With The E7 In Silver

There have been a number of environmentally-friendly mobile phones that hit the mobile market. An example of these phones is the Sony Ericson Elm. However, these phones do not come in colors that are more appropriate to the green theme and at the same time show of success. This will not be the case with the Nokia E7 in green and the E7 in silver.

With the green E7, you get a phone that comes in color that says a lot about your concern for the environment and an assortment of environmental features. One of these features is energy efficiency. The phone comes with a highly efficient phone charger, a reminder for unplugging the charger, an ambient light sensor, and a power save mode. All these features are geared towards energy conservation.

The phone comes jam-packed with eco content and services. The E7 comes pre-installed with eco-themed ringtones and wallpapers. For optimized fuel consumption, Ovi services provide maps that direct you to your destination in the least amount of time. To promote travel by foot, pedestrian maps are also available.

The Nokia E7 in green and silver are made from materials that are not hazardous to the environment. The phone is made from bio-based materials. It is free from the use of PVC, chlorinated, and brominated compounds. All materials and components of the E7 may be recovered as energy and materials. With the phone, your conscience is sure to be trouble-free.

Unlike a number of eco phones, this handset does not fall short on powerful mobile features. Every feature of the phone is a symbol of success. This can clearly be seen in the handset's business benefits. It comes with features that will make the Nokia E7 in green and silver your mobile office.

The business phone comes with a slide out QWERTY keyboard that allows emails, IMs, document editing, and SMS more convenient. In addition to more convenient typing, the mobile phone allows a better viewing angle. You can rest the phone down on any surface and work on it just like you would on a laptop.

The handset also comes complete with security features. Work files are protected through remote device management. It comes with a theft control feature in case the phone is stolen. This will ensure that sensitive data will fall in the wrong hands.

For a show of success, the Nokia E7 Silver is a more appropriate choice. To show more concern for the environment the Nokia E7 Green is the ideal handset.


  • Telecommunication, mobile telephony


  • nokia deals
  • mobile phones
  • nokia e7 deals
  • nokia e7 silver
  • nokia e7 green
  • nokia e7


  • England

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