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The Nokia X7 And The iPhone 4 White Go Head To Head

The new X7 handset from mobile phone manufacturer Nokia boasts some impressive specification including a fast processor and large screen making it one of the brands flagship models. This high specification however puts the handset directly in line with some of the big hitters in the mobile phone world such as the Samsung Galaxy S2 and the HTC Sensation. We take this opportunity to see how Nokias latest model matches up against what is perhaps the most famous handset available in the form of the White iPhone 4. Can the X7 offer us anything over and above what Apple already provide us with?

One area where the Nokia may well have the upper hand over the iPhone 4 is in the design department. The White iPhone 4 is undoubtedly a great looking phone with the new white finish giving the model an even more striking look. The issue here is that there is not a huge amount of difference in terms of styling between the very first iPhones and this latest model. The single home button on the fascia still sits centrally beneath the screen and asides from some slight changes in shape the unit looks pretty much like a carbon copy. The Nokia X7 is a different kettle of fish all together. The developers of this new model have given the handset a look that is totally different from any other handset currently available. Rather than the traditional rectangular or pebble shaped designs this model is more akin to an octagon. This new design is incredibly attractive and does stand out amongst the dozens of similarly shaped phones that are available. The Nokia does measure up slightly larger than the Apple device thanks in part to it incorporating a 4 inch display rather than a 3.5 inch affair. Despite its extra size however the AMOLED display found on the Nokia is no match for the iPhones famous Retina display. To give you an idea of the difference in quality here the White iPhone 4 displays a maximum of 336 pixels per inch whilst the Nokia manages to offer only 183.

An area where the technology is really top quality on both models is their use of ARM chipsets. The Nokia X7uses a 680Mhz ARM 11 chip which is joined by a great graphics processing unit in the form of the Broadcom BCM2727. Despite this excellent offering the Nokia is still overshadowed by Apples efforts in this department. Their single core processor is an ARM Cortex A8 which is clocked at 1Ghz. Not only does this offer lightning fast operation but when used with the PowerVR SGX535 GPU the graphics are vivid and silky smooth. It is not only in the engine room that the White iPhone 4 comes out on top but also when you take a look at internal storage capacity on the two models. The Nokia X7 only offers 350MB of internal storage but this is backed up by a micro SD card slot that enables potential expansion to 32GB. There is no card slot present on the iPhone 4 but one could argue that it is not needed thanks to the hefty 16GB or 32GB that comes installed with the device.

The X7 is certainly an adventurous new handset from Nokia which does run the White iPhone 4 close in many departments but ultimately it cannot quite match the quality on offer from Apples handset. The younger audience however will be drawn to the Nokias eye catching design together with its lower price point which should be enough to make this one of the more successful phones of 2011.

The Nokia X7 and the White iPhone 4 are available now.


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  • nokia x7
  • nokia
  • x7
  • smartphone


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