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Free Debt Advice and Debt Management Plans Explained With the UK’s R & R Financial Solutions

Whenever a person gets into added debts it can be difficult to be able everything going on around you and although people often feel like they’re all alone, personal debt is one of the most common issues at present across the United Kingdom.

If you’re struggling financially, there IS help at hand with firms such as R & R Financial Solutions who work solely to help people around the UK who are in need of free debt advice.

The debt management plan service from R & R is the most form of debt solutions available from the firm. This type of plan is geared around the most effective way of paying creditors and to keep your debts from escalating. It works as an agreement between a person who owes money and the creditors that the person owes that money to. It works in that the person who owes the money will be no longer able to work towards making full payments. The agreement will also state that the person will be able to make reduced payments on ones debts as a means of helping to get them handled.

You can rest assured that your finances will be taken fully into account and you can pay back any money owed at a fair ratio of what you can afford on a monthly basis. This is a value that is referred to as a monthly disposable Income payment.

There is a very simple application process for debt management plans and R & R can talk you through how to get started. There is no need to handle any legal paperwork or to go into a court in order to get a debt management plan to be set up.

A debt management plan is traditionally seen as the most hands-off, stress-free model of repayment. Instead of paying off multiple creditors throughout the course of a month only one monthly payment will be required by the client which will cover all creditors.

R & R have helped thousands of people struggling with debts and their objective is to get you back on your feet, financially sound, and repair your credit rating over time through manageable monthly repayments.

About Us

R & R Financial Solutions is a financial assistance firm that offers assistance to clients in the United Kingdom with handling their debts. R & R works with preparing debt management plans that can work to get ones debts handled. Advice and assistance with bankruptcy and IVA services is also provided by the firm. Debt relief order services are also available. The firm is fully licensed to work under the 1974 Consumer Credit Act and is listed with Licence Number 585858.

Contact Us



Address: Glenfield Park Two
Blakewater Road
Lancashire BB1 5QH
Phone: 0800 9887 007


  • Finance


  • free debt advice
  • debt management plan service
  • debt solutions

R & R have helped thousands of people struggling with debts and their objective is to get you back on your feet, financially sound, and repair your credit rating over time through manageable monthly repayments.