Press release -

Be the difference in a child’s life – consider adoption

Rochdale Borough Council’s adoption team is holding an information evening at Number One Riverside on 7 October 2013 from 6.30pm to 8.30pm to chat with anyone who is considering adoption.

At this event, there will also be a presentation and the opportunity to listen to an adoptive parent about their experience of adopting and giving a child a forever family. Information packs will be available to all who attend.

Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Families, Councillor Donna Martin says: “More than 700 children need adopting every year in the North West. Adoption is very rewarding, fulfilling and most importantly gives a vulnerable child a home, parents and a loving family.”

This event is part of Rochdale Council’s ‘Be The Difference’ campaign, encouraging members of the public to find out more about adoption or fostering with the aim of recruiting adoptive parents for some of Rochdale’s most vulnerable children.

As long as you’re over 21 and have a spare bedroom, you can apply to adopt. There is no restriction to adoption – you can be single, over 45, from any background. You get a dedicated social worker who is prepared to support and advocate for you to become an adoptive parent.

One mum who adopted with Rochdale Borough Council said: “My husband and I decided to adopt after I found I was no longer able to have children naturally. We adopted a wonderful two-year-old little girl. It may sound odd, but we continue to be so thrilled when she comes for a cuddle, tells us she loves us, gives us a beaming smile. Moments like these make our hearts flip with joy and love for her.”

There is also financial support available in the form of statutory adoption leave pay, child tax credits and additional support depending on your circumstances.

For more information about adoption, call 0300 303 1000 or visit


  • Family issues


  • be the difference
  • rochdale council
  • children
  • adoption
  • families


  • Greater Manchester

Rochdale Council - A council which builds success and prosperity with our citizens and partners, whilst protecting our vulnerable people.



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