Press release -

Shops say no to underage sales

It is top marks for shops across Rochdale borough after the vast majority refused to sell cigarettes to children during a recent test purchase exercise.

Of all the 20 shops which were targeted in the most recent test purchase exercise, only one sold to the underage volunteers, who were 16 and 17 years-old.

The council selected shops across the borough which had been reported to them by members of the public and members of the responsible retailer scheme which had not been visited recently.

Members of the responsible retailer scheme sign up to number of measures to combat underage sales including operating challenge 25, keeping a log of all refused sales and ensuring staff are fully trained in the law. Responsible retailers who fail test purchase exercises are suspended from the scheme.

Councillor Jacqui Beswick, Cabinet member for Regulatory Services at Rochdale Borough Council, said: “Shops have a vital role to play in safeguarding young people’s health as they are less likely to take up the habit as adults if they don’t smoke from a young age.

“I’m pleased that our local businesses take such a responsible attitude and clearly understand their duty to protect the young people of this borough.”

For a full list of responsible retailers across the borough, please visit:


  • Health, Health Care, Pharmaceuticals


  • rochdale council
  • challenge25
  • smoking
  • reponsible retailers
  • public health


  • Greater Manchester

Rochdale Council - A council which builds success and prosperity with our citizens and partners, whilst protecting our vulnerable people.



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