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Sika's Gareth Ross
Sika's Gareth Ross

Press release -

Sika Limited: Sika Returns to Beaulieu Boat Jumble for PBO’s ‘Ask The Experts Live’

Taking place within the grounds of the beautiful Beaulieu Estate, the Beaulieu Boat Jumble is the largest event of its kind in the UK and consistently attracts thousands of boat and marine equipment enthusiasts every year. The ‘Ask the Experts Live’ event provides visitors with an opportunity to take part in free practical presentations, demonstrations and the chance to quiz the experts with their boating questions.

This year will be the second time that Practical Boat Owner has run the ‘Ask the Experts Live’ at Beaulieu Boat Jumble, having introduced the event last year to build on the success of its Ask the Experts pages in Practical Boat Owner Magazine.

Sika UK’s technical services expert, Gareth Ross will be demonstrating how Sika’s widely used range of Sikaflex® sealants can be used for bonding and waterproofing on board. Commenting on Sika’s involvement, Gareth said, “I am delighted to be representing Sika once again at ‘Ask the Experts Live’. Last year’s event was a huge success for us and we enjoyed a very positive response from those that attended and a huge amount of interest in our products and how to correctly apply them. We look forward to providing another informative demonstration showing participants how to use Sika Marine products correctly and with confidence.”

A full schedule of demonstrations and talks and an online facility to your interest in this year’s Practical Boat Owner ‘Ask the Experts Live’ event, which is free of charge, will be available via in March.

For further information about Beaulieu Boat Jumble visit and for more information about Sika’s wide range of Marine products, visit

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Saltwater Stone
Karen Bartlett
Tel: +44 (0) 1202 669 244

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Sika Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sika AG, a global company based in Switzerland specialising in the manufacture and supply of chemical based products for construction and industry. A world-leader in its field Sika has subsidiaries in more than 70 countries, generates annual sales of CHF 4.6 billion and is committed to providing quality, service, safety and environmental care.

In the UK, Sika provides market-leading solutions for flooring, sealing and bonding applications, waterproofing, roofing, structural sealing and strengthening and many other construction applications.

Sika’s head office is based in Welwyn Garden City at Watchmead, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, AL7 1BQ. Call 01707 363866, or visit

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