Press release -

GamestormVR Reveals Steam Secrets

It has been announced today by the team at GamestormVR that they have hidden what they call #SteamSecrets in their soon to be released demo of SteamHammerVR for the HTC Vive.

Once you have enjoyed playing the demo, they have hidden a few secrets to find, once these clues are gathered you will then have to solve the riddle that should give you just one word, the first person to tweet the word along with #SteamHammerVR and #SteamSecrets will win a copy of the full game and have their picture immortalised in the full game on its release in December 2016.

Dark deeds are most certainly afoot, and the streets of London do seem eerily quiet but you are soon to realise why, the dastardly Professor Rattwurm is attempting to enslave the fine English folk with his army of clockwork automatons raging havoc all over town.

The year is 1892 and you find yourself on the streets of Victorian LondonUsing this new-fangled steam power and some state of the art 19th century gadgetry along with the guidance and expertise of Doctor Obadiah Springhorn you are tasked with helping him clear up this clockwork vermin.

You adventure starts on the Airship 'Horndenburg' where you can cast your eyes upon all the other weapons which will be at your disposal in the full game, but the demo 'drops' you right into the action and sees you kitted out straight away with three beautiful weapons, the Steam Hammer, the Steam Cannon and the Magnet Beam.

With some experimentation, a little strategy and a modicum of skill you should be able to complete your mission and discover the secrets that the GamestormVR team behind the project have hidden...if not you will be hauled back into the 'Hordenburg' for essential suit repairs and you can try again!


  • Events


  • htcvive
  • unity3d
  • steam
  • steamhammervr
  • steamsecrets
  • virtual reality

Showstorm is one of the most resourceful, inspiring and disruptive small businesses in the UK, which has grown since 2009 to be an audacious and uniquely talented team of creative and technical professionals driven by a passion to create, pioneer and deliver first class memorable entertainment experiences.

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Mark Bellinger

Press contact Managing Director +44 (0) 2081233453

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