Press release -

Porous Paving – Environmental Friendly Paving Solutions

United Kingdom, July 20, 2011: If you are looking for an environmental friendly alternative to cover your driveways and paths, then, unique, eco-friendly porous paving solutions are just what you need. Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) stresses the need for using porous materials for new building schemes and also when existing areas are re-laid. The new porous paving solutions from Sudscape are eco-friendly and fully SUDS compliant.

These unique permeable paving solutions are completely porous. Water drains through the pavers like a sieve. It slows down the flow of water improving the water table levels. The pavers are eco-friendly and use recycled car tires. Once you install them, you can just forget about them as they hardly need any maintenance. They are available in an integral sub base. This obliterates the need to use tarmac or concrete on the surface you are planning to use them on.

Sudscape solutions have been comprehensively tested by the British Research Establishment for freezes/thaw, flexural strength and impact tests and meets the exacting test standards easily. The company uses a resin bound gravel surface which is completely porous. This is far superior to the resin surfaces that other companies use. You can save enormously on concrete laying which makes these porous paving solutions easily affordable for anyone.

The unique rubber base used by the company ensures that you can use it in extreme weather conditions without the fear of cracking or getting damaged in any way. The rubber base has voids within its structure which holds the flow of water and slows down its pace. It is a great way to prevent flash flooding.

According to reports, the UK discards over 48 million tyres each year. They present a major problem for the environment especially as they are no longer allowed into landfills. Porous paving uses at least three crumbled tyres per square meter in the sub base of their paving systems.

Unlike other resin finished paving, Sudscape porous paving solutions are entirely porous and allow water to be absorbed back into the water table. Moreover, using a rubber sub base and hard standing shows a reduction of 25 percent in nitrates and 30 percent in phosphates, according to American research. This helps protect the environment in a major way.

The new Sudscape porous paving solutions are ideal for use in commercial and residential areas, car parks, pavements and driveways. They offer an environment friendly and SUDS compatible solution which is commercially acceptable too. They can be used as an affordable and durable alternative to resin bound driveways. They can be installed quickly and easily.

Commercial properties can save up to 100 percent on rain tax, a rule which was recently introduced. They are environmentally friendly as tyres and aggregate can be recycled. One of the biggest advantages of porous paving solutions is that water which percolates through the pavers at the rate of 2,000 litres per square meter per hour can be harvested, collected or stored in water tanks.

For more information about porous paving and its various advantages, visit

Sudscape Ltd
Sudscape Ltd Hints Road Mile Oak Tamworth Staffordshire B78 3PQ
Phone Number
01827 288266


  • Business enterprise


  • porous paving ~ permeable paving ~ resin bound driveways ~ pavements ~ footpaths ~ driveways ~ tarmac ~ resin bound gravel

 Environment friendly porous paving solutions are available for car parks, driveways and footpaths for residential and commercial areas.