Press release -

TAS Systems announces TAS-Centre

TAS Systems today announces TAS-Centre designed specifically to make the life of shopping centre managers easier.

TAS-Centre is a suite of integrated modules creating a single location from which to access and store all information required for successful operation and management of a retail shopping centre.

Document Manager provides a unified view of the centre’s critical records including emergency response plans, staff training certificates, HR data, health and safety documents, service providers contracts and licenses as well as recording lost property and analysing incidents such as slips, trips and falls.

Unified Calendar provides a centre wide view of key dates for management, covering maintenance and service activities overlaid with marketing operations allowing for improved planning.

TASS-Centre brings together key management information including foot-fall, car park data and weather to record the centre’s attendance levels and can be used to monitor trends and the success of marketing events. This invaluable information helps predict future visitor numbers as well as provide comparable data for tenants, allowing them to understand and appreciate the Centre’s marketing activities and performance. Amalgamating this data with Retail Sales Numbers and real value can be determined for individual tenants as well as the centre as a whole.

Provided as a hosted software service of SaaS, TAS-Centre is a reliable low cost option for Shopping Centre Management.

Wayne Connors, Managing Director of TAS Systems, commented: “We are delighted to offer TAS-Centre and the initial feedback from our design partners has been very positive. We worked with leaders in the industry to define and refine the features of TAS-Centre just as we did with our initial security and communication product, TAS-Control”.

For the first time, TAS-Centre provides Retail Managers with a single unified system to quickly find core information about their centre. With a fully integrated approach and common menu structures, TAS-Centre provides the ‘one stop shop’ for centre management.

Wayne commented “TAS-Centre has opened the door to increased collaboration between centre management, owners and tenants. Information and performance data can be easily shared between relevant parties benefiting all the centre’s stake holders.”

Further details

Please contact Alastair Dodwell on 01689 833793 or mobile 07810 267 671 or email



  • Real Estate, facilities management


  • retail
  • shopping centre
  • software
  • tas

TAS Systems is a software and service company focused on developing smart retail solutions for shopping centres.  With a background in real time data collection and communications TAS System’s products have been developed against a detailed specification produced by managers from several major UK shopping centres.

TAS System is based in Orpington Kent and is a division of Active Communication Company Limited (ACCL) delivering high quality network integration and consultancy services.


Alastair Dodwell

Press contact Business Development Director Sales, Marketing and Product Management 01689833793