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#sundayrunday – Meet Amanda, one of our Virgin Money London Marathon Runners

Name: Amanda Carter

Age: 35

From: Essex

Can you tell us a little about why you have chosen to run the London Marathon for The Sick Children’s Trust?

When my sister-in-law gave birth to her baby Scarlett, she was told Scarlett needed keeping I and The Sick Children’s Trust gave Hannah and Dan a ‘Home from Home’. I was amazed by what a great facility The Sick Children’s Trust’s Chestnut House was and still am. Hannah and Dan could do normal things at such a stressful time – they could cook, relax and talk to the other parents who were going through a similar situation in a safe, warm and friendly environment while being close to Scarlett.

When did you start running?

I have been running for a few years - I have never been interested in entering races before, I just did it for exercise - in fact it felt like a game. I had downloaded a couch to 5k app that talked you through a run/walk plan and every achievement was like completing another level!

Are you following a training plan?

I am currently on a 21k training app and I was talking about it at work saying that I had read that the marathon shouldn’t be your first race, you should do some practice runs. I worked out when the end of the plan was and it coincided with the Colchester Half Marathon so fate had struck again. My work colleagues twisted my arm and I had soon entered!

How have you managed to fit in training around work and your other commitments?

I have to fit in my training when I can – Mondays I have to ask my mum to look after the girls and pick them up from Ballet, Tuesdays I get up at 6.30am to do an exercise video (Davina!), Wednesdays the girls are both occupied at the same time at clubs for an hour, Thursday is a rest day, Friday I go on the treadmill while the girls eat dinner, Saturday Jay looks after them and Sunday is another rest day phew…..

How are you feeling about the London Marathon?

At the moment I am very nervous about the marathon but I keep telling myself it is just because I am not ready for it yet and by the time it comes round I will be! I am hoping to raise at least £1000 and will be doing fundraising leading up to the marathon.

What would you say to someone else who hopes to do a marathon one day?

I couldn’t really give any advice to someone who is thinking about doing a marathon, come back to me after I have completed it and I will have plenty of pearls of wisdom! I would say though that it gives a focus for your life and that can only be a good thing. 

Good luck Amanda!


  • Children, Child care


  • fundraising
  • the rosie hospital
  • chestnut house
  • running
  • london marathon


Amy Melody

Press contact PR Officer 020 7011 9366

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