Press release - connects to the blogosphere using Twingly

Germany's largest general interest portal starts using the blog service Twingly Blogstream. That makes the largest German site opening up for comments from blogs.

The blog service Twingly Blogstream shows bloggers’ comments linking to a on the same page. Thus bloggers get more attention from's users, which gives blogs a greater visibility and more readers.

" is one of the pioneers in Germany to open up to the blogosphere in this way," said Martin Källström, CEO of Twingly. "The German blogosphere is big and we currently list more than 600.000 German blogs in our blog search engine at For a blogger, it is obviously important to reach out to more readers, and it is great that an operator such as opens up to more communication and exchange with blogs."

Twingly Blogstream is already used by some German newspapers online such as and, as well as about 100 leading newspapers and e-commerce sites throughout entire Europe.

For more information, contact:

Martin Källström, CEO of Twingly,
+46 733 628 654,


  • Web media


  • twingly blogstream
  • germany
  • internet portals

About Twingly

Founded in 2006, Twingly is the creator of, the popular blog search engine featuring a spam-free, faceted, social search for the global blogosphere. currently serves 25M+ search results per month, most through the Twingly API. With services based on leading edge real-time technology, for example Twingly Channels and Twingly Live, the company is aiming at making the real-time web more accessible for all internet users.

Twingly has been instrumental in driving change in European media by connecting mainstream media with blogs through its enterprise offering Twingly Blogstream, a moderated trackback function for large websites, providing measurably higher visitor engagement and greater attention in the blogosphere. Twingly Blogstream is used by 100 newspapers, magazines and television channels in ten countries, helping them get more attention from bloggers and generating 300M+ monthly widget views.

Twingly is headquartered in Linköping, Sweden. For more information visit Follow Twingly on Twitter at @twingly and on the Twingly blog.


Peter Bláha

Press contact CEO +46733 70 77 73