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Department of Health (National): Statistical press notice: Critical care and delayed transfers of care statistics – December 2010 data

The following statistics were released today by the Department of Health:

Monthly situation reports on critical care beds, cancelled operations and delayed transfers of care.

The main findings for December 2010 were:

  • There were 3,535 adult critical care beds available with 3,088 occupied in December 2010. This compares to 3,525 available and 3,031 occupied in November 2010.
  • The number of urgent operations cancelled was 322 in November 2010. This compares with 211 urgent operations cancelled in November 2010.
  • The number of delayed transfers of care for December 2010 is 3,881 and the total number of delayed days in the month was 112,938. Of those 3,881, 2,011 were acute patients and of the delayed days 59,212 were acute.

Please note that this month delayed transfers data has been revised for previous months back to August 2010. These revised figures are available at the link below.


Please note that this publication previously included A&E statistics. These figures are now published on a weekly basis at the following link


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  • Government


  • department of health (national)
  • statistical press notice