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Department of Health: Statistical Press Notice - Update of Overall Patient Experience measure

The following statistics were released today by the Department of Health:

Overall Patient Experience measure updated to include results from the 2009 Inpatient Survey


These figures use responses that NHS patients give in national surveys to calculate overall patient experience scores for the NHS in England. The figures are calculated the same way for each update, so it is possible to compare results over time. The earliest data relate to 2002. The last update was on 25th February 2010. This update adds scores derived from the 2009 survey of adult inpatients published by the Care Quality Commission on 19th May 2010.

Key points from the latest release

·        The overall patient experience score in 2009/10 for Adult Inpatients is 75.6. This is 0.4 points lower than the score of 76.0 in 2008/09.

·        As well as an overall score, these results also include scores against five domains of patient care. Scores in four out of the five domains were lower in 2009/10 compared to 2008/09, with the only improvement coming in the ‘access and waiting’ domain.

Further details of the publication can be found at the following link:


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  • Government


  • overall patient
  • nhs