Press release -

Met Office: Met Office supports airlines to meet new rules

Following the CAA announcement to introduce new measures to reduce airspace closures caused by volcanic ash, the Met Office will be supporting airlines by providing guidance to meet the new rules.

Flybe, the first airline in the UK to take advantage of these new rules, has worked closely with the Met Office, Bombardier and Pratt & Whitney to enable them to keep flying safely.

Jim French, CEO of Flybe said: “We thank the CAA and Met Office for their support in this work and look forward to working with them further to keep the UK safely on the move.”

Latest information received from the Icelandic Meteorological Office indicates that the volcano is continuing to erupt, with the ash plume reaching heights of up to around 25,000 ft. However the ash cloud is not expected to affect UK airspace as south-westerly winds persist through much of this week.

While the volcanic activity continues, the Met Office will provide frequently updated information to CAA about the dispersion of the volcanic ash.

The Met Office provides forecasts to the industry to any tolerance of ash that is deemed safe by the aviation regulatory authorities. This advice is based on a combination of observations from satellite, research aircraft and ground based observations along with model simulations and scientific expertise.


Notes to editors

·         The Met Office is the UK’s National Weather Service, providing 24x7 world-renowned scientific excellence in weather, climate and environmental forecasts and severe weather warnings for the protection of life and property.

·         As one of only two World Area Forecast Centres, we regularly advise the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and National Air Traffic Services.

·         Our forecasters monitor volcanic eruptions as part of the Met Office’s role in the global network of nine Volcanic Ash Advisory Centres.

·         Volcanic ash can be dangerous for aircraft, causing damage, reducing visibility, and potentially clogging engines.

·         Our Environment Monitoring and Response Centre is constantly monitoring the Iceland area. Our first advisory was issued at 1400 on 14 April and they have subsequently been updated every six hours.

For more information please contact the Met Office Press Office on 01392 886655


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  • Government


  • jim french
  • flybe