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Conservative Party: General Election 2010: Vote Conservative

Today, the British people go to the polls to pass their verdict on thirteen years of Labour failure.

This election is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to turn our country around. It will decide Britain’s future at a crucial time for our economy, our society, and our politics.

But there’s only one way to bring change – and that is to vote Conservative. Any other vote could mean we are left with another five years of Gordon Brown - and the uncertainty of a hung Parliament could kill the recovery.

Only by voting Conservative will Britain have a fresh government tomorrow that can roll up its sleeves and get on with the job.

"We can start on Friday with a new Government that deals with the difficult decisions", said David Cameron, speaking at a rally last night.

"We need change to get our economy moving, to mend our broken society, to clean up our politics".

Polling stations are open from 7am to 10pm across the country. In some parts of the country there are also some local council elections.

You don't need your polling card to vote - and if you have a postal vote that you haven't used you can still vote at the ballot box by bringing it with you.

Click here to read the Conservative Party's Contract with the British people - setting out certain specific things we will do in exchange for people's vote

Click here to read our Manifesto.


  • Politics, general


  • general election 2010
  • vote conservative