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Conservative Party: Our contract for equalities

Theresa May, Shadow Minister for Women, has launched the Conservative Party's contract for equalities.

She said the contract "underscores some of the most important battles in politics", on gender equality, racial equality, ending age discrimination, LGBT issues and helping disabled people.

In this contract, as with the others, the Conservatives are saying that if we fail to make progress in these areas and do not deliver on our side of the bargain, then vote us out in five years time.

"This contract for equalities will be central to what we plan to do in government", May said. "After 13 years of Labour’s big government, inequality is at its highest level since the Second World War".

May said the Conservative Party had updated its policies and candidates to better reflect modern Britain. "When David Cameron became leader of the Conservatives more than four years ago, he set out to reverse the under-representation of ethnic minorities in the party".

She also said that under the Labour Government there had been some good steps forward in the struggle for equalities, especially on gay rights - "but there is still much to do".

"The battle to break down barriers that hold back so many people will be at the core of our agenda for government. We will use every lever available to ensure equal opportunities turns from a dream into reality".

Click here to download the contract, or read it in the document viewer below.


  • Politics, general


  • lgbt
  • minister for women