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Labour Party: Labour has more women MPs than all other parties put together

Acting Leader of the Labour Party, Harriet Harman MP said she was proud of Labour's achievements for women as she joined with the rest of her female Labour colleagues.

Labour's women MPs now total 81 or over 31% of the Parliamentary Party, yet another increase, which is more than all the other parties put together.   

Harriet Harman also pledged not to let Labour's record for women be unpicked by the new Government.

Harriet Harman MP, said:

"In the new parliament, Labour women MPs remain the voice of women in Parliament.  Labour has more women MPs than all the other parties put together.

"Despite the fact that we are in opposition, we are the majority when it comes to speaking up for women. When it comes to issues like childcare, care of the elderly, maternity pay and leave and tackling domestic violence, Labour women will continue to speak up for women in this country."

Yvette Cooper, Shadow Secretary of State for DWP, takes on the additional role as Shadow Minister for Women and Equality.

Yvette Cooper MP, said:

"It's great that women make up almost half of Labour's new MPs. The big changes of the last decade - from child care to equal pay - were all made possible by having more women in parliament and government.

"And we want to go further. But the Liberal Conservative coalition has cut the number of women in government, and is promising to cut support for women through things like tax credits too. That's why Labour women in Parliament are even more determined to keep fighting to support women across the country."


  • Politics, general


  • acting leader
  • harriet harman