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Labour Party: Labour launches 'Creative Britain' manifesto

Prime Minister Gordon Brown today launched 'Creative Britain', the Labour Party's culture manifesto, at the National Glass Centre in Sunderland. To view a full version of the manifesto please click here.

Britain's cultural life and creative industries have flourished under Labour and now account for ten per cent of the UK economy. Labour has supported excellence in the UK's creative industries - from film, television and video games to design, fashion, music and the arts - with transformative investment since 1997.

Today's culture manifesto outlines the next steps in Labour's partnership w ith the creative industries.

The manifesto includes proposals to extend broadband to every part of Britain while also tackling online piracy. It also outlines proposals for a new biennial Festival of Britain to showcase the UK's nation's best creative talent, as well as greater freedom for our museums and galleries, and maintaining financial support for our world-leading film and video games industry.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown said:

"The arts and culture in Britain have flourished in the last decade. Audiences have doubled and resources have flowed into our cultural institutions. Our world leading creative industries bring millions of tourists to the UK and earn billions for Britain internationally. Around the world, Britain is seen as a thriving hub of creative talent, defined by the richness and diversity of its cultural life and heritage.

"This has not happened by chance. It has happened because of a combination of the genius and commitment of those who dedicate their lives to arts and culture and sustained government support. Today's manifesto sets out how we will build on the commitment and investment we have made since 1997, to ensure that the coming decades are as golden for the arts and those that
love them as the last decade."


  • Politics, general


  • prime minister
  • gordon brown