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Labour Party: Our future? Your choice

Labour has today released a viral video “Our future? Your choice” – which takes a light-hearted look at the Tories’ Big Society.

The video highlights the truth behind the Tories’ “Big Society” – that it amounts to nothing more than abandoning people to DIY public services, with no guarantees for patients, parents or communities.

In contrast, Labour’s commitment to Britain’s public services since 1997 has saved the NHS, rebuilt and driven up standards in schools and brought crime down, Only a Labour Government that can be trusted to protect our public services and turn them from good to great.

In this word of mouth election, Labour is giving it’s supporters the tools to spread our message.  Using innovative technology, people can insert their friends’ names into the video – so that the main character appears to phone them and ask them why they did not help to avoid this reality on 6 May 2010 by voting Labour.


  • Politics, general


  • mouth election
  • labou