Press release -

Liberal Democratic Party: Black youths should not be left behind says Clegg

Almost half of all young black youths are now unemployed, statistics released today have shown. Unemployment among young black people rose from 35% in March 2009 to 48% in November 2009 research by the Institute for Public Policy Research has found.

The research was revealed as the Liberal Democrats launched their Youth Jobs plan as part of their economic stimulus and job creation package. The plans will invest almost £900m in increasing the number of further education places, giving students financial support to return to college and creating a paid internship scheme.

Commenting, Liberal Democrat Leader Nick Clegg said:

“It is absolutely unacceptable that so many hard working young people may have to face a future of joblessness.

“After years of Labour failure it is clear that young people and especially black youngsters are being let down in this recession.

“Everyone will know someone who has recently left college or university with hopes of starting a career only to find they cannot even get on the lowest rung of the job ladder.

“We will make sure that all young people have access to more training, education, an internship or a place on a work programme that will give hope to the nearly one million young people who currently can’t find a job.

“It is vital that young black people are not left behind.”


  • Politics, general


  • liberal democrat leader
  • nick clegg