Press release -

Liberal Democratic Party: Labour and Tory plans won’t tackle family problems says Laws

"I doubt that the Tory shadow cabinet actively supports this blatantly unfair policy, which has more to do with political posturing than serious policy," said the Liberal Democrat Shadow Schools Secretary.

Commenting on the family proposals from both Labour and the Conservatives, David Laws said:

“Labour and the Tories are deluding themselves if they think that tweaking the tax system or printing leaflets for fathers is going to make a blind bit of difference to tackling the problems of family break-up and instability in Britain.

“When the Tories were last in power they abolished the Married Couples Allowance, in part because it was totally ineffective in supporting marriage.  I doubt that the Tory shadow cabinet actively supports this blatantly unfair policy, which has more to do with political posturing than serious policy.

“Instead of wasting money on gimmicks, we need to be putting additional money into schools and colleges to ensure that every young person has a fair chance of getting the skills, qualifications and aspiration that they need.”


  • Politics, general


  • democrat shadow
  • schools secretary