Press release -

Liberal Democratic Party: Permanent Council to sort out climate talks process says Hughes

“Political leaders failed because they did not decide far earlier in the day on how decisions at Copenhagen would be reached," said the Liberal Democrat Shadow Energy and Climate Change Secretary.

Commenting on Ed Miliband’s report to Parliament today on the outcome of the Copenhagen Climate Summit, Simon Hughes said:

“It is difficult to think of an occasion when more people of power and influence came together on such an important issue and went away with so little to show for it.

“Political leaders failed because they did not decide far earlier in the day on how decisions at Copenhagen would be reached. Instead they left it to the last minute with ensuing chaos.

“Leaders should be involved in all parts of future climate change negotiations, not just showcase summits.

“We have a UN Security Council that sits in permanent session, so why not a UN Climate Council with the authority to make decisions all year round as well?”


  • Politics, general


  • simon hughes
  • un security