Press release -

Liberal Democratic Party: Tories cannot be trusted on crime says Huhne

“A vote for the Tories is a vote for more crime; a vote for more tried and tested policies which don’t work," said the Liberal Democrat Shadow Home Secretary.

Commenting on the launch of the Conservatives’ crime section of their draft manifesto, Chris Huhne said:

“The Tories love to tell you they are the party of law and order, when in fact they are the party of crime.

“Their disgraceful record in Government speaks for itself – crime nearly doubled, violent crime nearly tripled and robbery quadrupled.

“A vote for the Tories is a vote for more crime; a vote for more tried and tested policies which don’t work.

“The Tories cannot be trusted – one of their policies is to reduce one of the few remaining protections from the surveillance state.”


  • Politics, general


  • liberal democrat shadow
  • home secretary