Press release -

Liberal Democratic Party: Tory sums do not stack up says Cable

“If Osborne and Cameron can’t get these simple sums right how can they possibly be trusted to run the economy," said the Liberal Democrat Shadow Chancellor.

Commenting on David Cameron’s decision to stick with his proposed inheritance tax cut and his assertion that it will be paid for by taxing non-doms, Vince Cable said:

“It’s unbelievable that the Tories are still planning to cut taxes for a handful of millionaires when the majority of people across the country are feeling the squeeze. We need fair tax cuts that put money back in the pockets of ordinary people.

“The Tory sums simply do not stack up. It is irresponsible and highly misleading for George Osborne to continue to pretend that they do.  

“If Osborne and Cameron can’t get these simple sums right how can they possibly be trusted to run the economy.”


  • Politics, general


  • david cameron
  • vince cable