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JAGTAG: JAGTAG Expands Operations Into the UK

- JAGTAG To Exhibit Mobile 2D Barcode Solution At Ogilvy London's Digital Labs Day 2011

JAGTAG (, the U.S. leader in mobile 2D barcode advertising, announced its expansion into the United Kingdom to serve international markets, advertisers and their agencies. JAGTAG will exhibit at the Ogilvy Digital Labs Day 2011 on January 27 to mark its first mobile 2D barcode marketing programs outside of the United States.

To support its international operations, JAGTAG has appointed industry expert Martin Copus as Business Development Partner, International. Copus will be responsible for growing the company's presence in the UK and leading its expansion across Europe.

At Ogilvy London's Digital Labs Day, JAGTAG will showcase the potential of its proprietary mobile 2D barcode solution to create and distribute mobile advertising and promotions, and deliver other interactive functionality such as voting, mCommerce, and mobile giving - all while consumers are on the move. The Ogilvy event is dedicated to the future of selling in a digital world and includes 80 clients focused on this prospect. JAGTAG works on all camera phones and across all UK network operators without requiring users to download a code-reader or application, making it a genuine mass-market capability.

"We're really pleased that JAGTAG are launching their mobile barcode service in the UK at the Ogilvy Digital Labs Day," said Nicole Yershon, Director, Innovative Solutions, Ogilvy UK Group. "JAGTAG really answers a client need for Ogilvy, because QR codes are catching on for delivering multimedia to mobiles for advertising and promos, but they're only good for smartphones - which leaves 70 percent of the population out of the loop. JAGTAG works on MMS with a phone's inbuilt camera, so it's a mobile barcode solution that works on pretty much all UK mobiles - that's a big plus."

JAGTAG's participation in the Ogilvy Lab Day coincides with a new campaign for The Sick Children's Trust, one of the UK's most innovative charities and a finalist at next month's Charity of the Year Awards. JAGTAG's first program in the UK, the campaign with The Sick Children's Trust will go live this month, enabling supporters to donate to the charity using their mobile phones.

"This is my sixth year working in the mobile code space, and rarely have I been so fired up," said Martin Copus, Business Development Partner, International, JAGTAG. "The world is finally paying attention to what Japanese marketers and service-providers have known for nearly a decade - that consumers' interest is piqued by these little squiggly squares, and they're hungry to know what's behind the code. Even in an emerging media channel, JAGTAG is a real game-changer - because it delivers the intriguing print-to-mobile multimedia capability of 2D barcodes to any camera phone, not just the smartphones that hog the headlines. Now it's time to bring JAGTAG's ground-breaking mobile multimedia delivery to international markets, overseas advertisers and their agencies - and where better to start than the UK, a world-leader in marketing innovation."

JAGTAG is proven in the United States, having executed exciting work for blue chip clients such as BMW, Kraft, Nike, Red Bull, Time Warner and Unilever.

"We are excited to see JAGTAG expand internationally and are thrilled to have Martin Copus, who has extensive experience in the mobile 2D barcode industry, representing us," said Ed Jordan, CEO, JAGTAG. "JAGTAG's value proposition is to deliver a rich media experience to both smart and standard phones. There is vast potential for JAGTAG in the United Kingdom and across Europe, with only 30 percent of the population using smartphones capable of accessing the Internet. Internationally, JAGTAG is a great solution for brands and advertisers to reach the mobile masses."


JAGTAG is the only mobile 2D barcode solution that does not require the consumer to download an application prior to use and the only mobile medium that can successfully deliver optimized multimedia to both standard phones and smart phones. Anywhere a mobile consumer encounters a JAGTAG, they can use their phone to request and receive multimedia content (video, audio, pictures, text) sent immediately to their phone. To learn more, visit

For media inquiries, contact: United Kingdom Hilda Burke Weber Shandwick for JAGTAG +44-786-7507850 United States Julie Nicholson Weber Shandwick for JAGTAG +1-212-445-8371


  • Telecommunication, mobile telephony


  • jagtag
  • mobile 2d barcode solution