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moneymaxim: SLIM Your Gas and Electricity Bill with

Rising fuel bills are a concern for all of us, and keeping them under control is a topic that is constantly raised with the relationship team at money saving website
Mark Bower, Managing Director and Founder at moneymaxim explains;
“Customers need to think SLIM when looking to reduce their energy consumption and costs. 
“SLIM stands for Survey, Lower, Investigate and Monitor and anyone who follows the plan could find themselves making significant savings on the price of their gas and electricity.” 
“Customers should compare the price of their energy against those of other providers to find the best deal for their own individual needs, and anyone looking to keep tabs on their supplier and where the best deals can be found should consider the Energy Monitor service which regularly checks customer’s current tariffs against the whole market.”

Think SLIM to Save on Gas and Electricity Charges
S – Survey
Carry out an energy survey on your home – you can do it yourself using tools on the energysavingtrust website. They are an impartial organisation whose role is to encourage lower energy use – and their survey looks at everything from low energy bulbs to cavity wall and loft insulation – and they then go on to help you find grants which can help you pay for improvements.
L – Lower
Lower your usage – get an energymonitor (it looks like an oversized iphone and tells you what you are using at that moment in time – put on the tumble dryer and see the difference it makes!). Get a standby switch – which can turn of all your tvs, videos, and dvd players in one click. It’s not a case of freezing your way through winter but making small changes which add up to big savings. Check with your energy company as some are offering gadgets like these free of charge at the moment.
I – Investigate
Investigate your Gas and Electricity tariff – make sure you are on the best deal – never rely on what you are told by your power company, a salesman in a supermarket or a person knocking at your door – do your own research. Use a ConsumerFocus approved comparison tool which covers every company and every tariff and wherever possible use your own kilowatt kWh usage rather than the ‘average consumption’ figures as this can make a big difference to which company and tariff is the best for you.
As you would expect the moneymaxim comparison service is fully accredited by ConsumerFocus and is totally impartial.
M – Monitor
Once you are on the best tariff carry on monitoring it to make sure it remains the best for you – put a note in your diary or on the calendar to review it three or four times a year or sign up for a service such as the moneymaxim EnergyMonitor – where we will check it for you every four months and alert you if we feel you would be better off on another tariff.
Follow moneymaxim’s SLIM plan and you can rest safe in the knowledge that you are doing your utmost to keep your energy bills as low as you possibly can!
Mark Bower is available for interview. Moneymaxim can also provide journalists with many case studies for future energy related features. 
Contact Dale Lovell on 01753 859 588 / 0779 14 14 681.

About Launched in 2008 by Mark Bower aims to deliver an impartial and independent service both online and through telephone money saving specialists. Visit: for more money saving advice and information. The moneymaxim energy price comparison service is independent and impartial and covers every energy company available in the UK. It is fully accredited by Consumer Focus.

The moneymaxim Energy Monitor Service enables customers to register their current tariff and annual usage and every four months this will be checked against the best in the market. If savings of £50 or more are possible (after any contract termination charges) the customer is alerted. Additionally customers are contacted at the end of any fixed term contract to ensure they are aware of the full range of options open to them. Registration is free.

Moneymaxim also run a similar tracking service for other products which have competitive ‘lead in’ prices, but then rise at the end of the first contract renewal. Products covered include all types of personal insurance, life assurance and financial arrangements such as credit cards, mortgages and ISAs.


  • Web services


  • moneymaxim
  • gas and electricity bill