Press release - New Website Launched to Help Those Who Have Suffered From Unfair Dismissal

Have you been unfairly dismissed or made redundant; had disagreements over disputes, maternity or pay; or faced discrimination or harassment in the workplace? 
If so then a new website, can help. With both public and private sectors feeling the economic strain and figures showing that unemployment in most industries is set to increase, cases of unfair dismissal and discrimination in the workplace are set to increase considerably in 2011.
Covering everything from grievance letters to appeal hearings, as well as offering anyone who believes they may have suffered discrimination in the workplace for issues including: maternity and pregnancy; racial discrimination; sexual orientation and bullying, Your Employment Matters offers a genuine no win no fee service.
Caroline Harper, Managing Director and Founder of Your Employment Matters explains;
“Since the economic downturn began there has been an increase in cases of unfair dismissal as companies cut corners and procedures in a bid to save cash. 
This is wrong and has left thousands of employees across England and Wales distressed and out of pocket. This is why we have set up the website, to assist those employees who believe they were unfairly treated get the legal help they need. 
“We’ll listen to your side of the story, explain the legal side of your situation and give you our honest advice on your options. We have over 10 years experience in dealing with unfair dismissal cases for all employment problems across England and Wales and offer a real, no win, no fee service. 
“We offer a personal and professional service, and as we offer a no win, no fee service it is in our interests to get the very best outcome as possible. Anyone who feels they are being or have been unfairly treated at work should contact us now to discuss their situation with us in complete confidence.” 
If your employer does not give a valid reason for your dismissal, they did not follow the correct procedure for doing so, or you were dismissed for an unfair reason, you could have a case of automatic unfair dismissal. 

Employment Law can be confusing and after the emotional event of a dismissal, reading up about your rights can be hard to focus on. The law is often confusing and the employee unaware of how to next proceed. Find out more about your rights at: 

Contact Your Employment Matters to investigate your case further. Telephone: 01604 630488 calls are charged at a local rate or

Caroline Harper is available for interview and comment on all aspects of unfair dismissal and employee rights. 

Contact Dale Lovell, Search News Media on 01753 859 588 or


  • Web services


  • new website