Press release - - Education System News is a site for the latest news and information on education in theUK. Instead of just giving the latest statistics, also provides articles discussing current issues, political changes and advice for parents as well as for teachers.


If you are interested in the British educational system, advice on how to help your child improving in school or the latest accredited techniques for teachers, offers it all. The flexible, innovative design of the site means that it is capable of serving multiple purposes without losing its distinct focus, ease of use and flowing navigation.


Whether you are looking for regularly updated blogs, news feeds and bookmarks to the essential sites for the latest news and background information on everything related to education, will provide. All featured content is managed by a dedicated staff. provides regular updates which creates a loyal and growing amount of followers. These updates include the latest statistics and results by internationally accepted institutions which provide a summary of the current situation in theUKas far as the education of our children is concerned. offers both video and written blogs featuring an array of articles about plans for educational changes by the government, recent problems teachers, parents and students have to face every day as well as possible alternatives for people who want to improve their education. This includes courses at universities, evening schools, apprenticeships, internships and many other innovative ways to get a better education. is free to use since there is no need to register or pay in order to benefit from the wide range of options the site offers to its followers.


  • Web media is a London based Media Network company, offering free online TV from around the globe, social media technology as well as providing consultancy on all aspects of digital media. The Media Network has also a portfolio of over 100+ specialist sites in its network.


Julie Marechal

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