Press release -

Texas Research and Investment Announces Completion of Wedding Study

Wedding trends, wedding news and wedding outlooks are all about to be revealed for the 2010 season as Texas Research and Investment finished a milestone study of over 1000 wedding participants and attendees.  The study, Wedding Trends and Memories, was commission by

“We were delighted to see proof of new wedding trends, insights into wedding traditions and such rich, rich data to help guide the industry in 2011 and beyond,” said Craig Williams, PhD, study author and researcher for Texas Research and Investment.

Some of the answers include what are the most memorable wedding moments?  Who is most watched during the ceremony?  The number of people who are actually paying attention to the vows?  How many times “obey” was used in ceremonies?  “These don’t even scratch the service of what Reece Manley of knows now from the study.

“I just became curious if the old notions and traditions were holding,” says Reece Manley, owner of  “The results I have received will be enough to keep me writing on the topic all year and helping me to better guide the brides, grooms and wedding party planners who are clients of

The Wedding Trends and Memories Study involved over 2000 requests to complete online and automated phone surveys.  From the initial 2000, almost 1000 provided complete detailed answers from unique wedding goes.  “The sample size is boggling and the data is all verified and ready to be put to work,” says TRI.

For those wishing to obtain a copy of the results of the study, confidentiality is in effect between TRI and  However, a list of survey questions can be had by writing

Major wedding outlets, journalists and other persons are encouraged to contact for more information on the study.


  • Culture


  • wedding trend
  • wedding vows
  • 2011 wedding trends
  • new wedding ideas
  • free wedding tips

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Reece Wyman Manley, Esq.


Dr. Reece W. Manley

Press contact Managing Member All 214-206-1607