Press release -

Boardtests Finselector is Launched

The Boardtests Fin-Selector is launched. Our aim is to help our visitors to choose the right fin to match their board, sail-size and driving style. Most windsurfers change their sail to match the wind conditions. Often it would be more effective and less time consuming to change the fin to achive the same effect/goal. When the wind picks up, choose a smaller fin for less lift and high-end control. When the wind calms down, choose a bigger fin to improve the boards planing ability. Do you prioritize speed and down wind performance, choose a smaller fin. If the up-wind performance is important, choose a larger fin. Most windsurfers would benefit from having one or two extra fins. - Focused on freeride and freerace boards


  • Water sports


  • windsurfing board
  • fin-selector
  • freerace
  • freeride
  • windsurfing

Boardtests aim is to be a natural gathering place for windsurfing enthusiasts World Wide.