Press release -
Norwegian medical technology company with huge international potential.
The Norwegian company dPCom A/S has developed Sensometrics® Technology, a new and innovative method for analysis of intracranial pressure and blood pressure. dPCom's software, Sensometrics® Software, can be used together with existing measurement instruments in hospitals and doctor’s surgeries.
Sensometrics® Technology provides safe diagnostics from pressure measurements and can be crucial for patients around the world.
Sensometrics® performs both invasive and non-invasive pressure monitoring and the company has initially focused on intracranial pressure (ICP) and blood pressure. Sensometrics® Technology is used in all patient groups with acute intracranial and blood pressure problems and is applicable to pressure monitoring in general. The technology has been clinically tested for years in patients with brain injury undergoing intensive care surveillance, and has been used as an aid in the diagnosis of various brain diseases such as hydrocephalus, including normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) and dementia. In addition, there is a large potential for improvement in blood pressure measurement, since Sensometrics® Technology gives significantly improved diagnostic information. Intracranial pressure (ICP) and arterial blood pressure (ABP) measurements are performed daily by healthcare professionals throughout the world and are considered to be vital in the diagnosis of many patient groups.
dPCom A/S was founded in 2001 after physicians at The National Hospital (Rikshospitalet) in Oslo discovered problems with traditional pressure monitoring methodology. A series of clinical studies have since been carried out and numerous scientific articles documenting the weaknesses of traditional measuring methods have been published.
”There is some disagreement within the medical community about the degree to which today's monitoring methodology is inaccurate. However, studies and clinical experience from leading hospitals now provide convincing proof about the improvements obtained by using Sensometrics® Technology,” says Stadheim. He believes that the current methods for pressure monitoring have unacceptable risks of seriously erroneous diagnostic information.
Patented technology
The technology behind Sensometrics® Technology is protected by 10 approved patents in the United States, Europe and Asia (and other patents pending). Sensometrics® Software is both CE certified and recently received FDA clearance, which means that Sensometrics® Software is available for clinical use both in Europe and the US. The CE/FDA approvals are critical to working with large industrial players in the US/Europe.
Sensometrics® Software can be used with existing systems for pressure measurements in hospitals throughout the world. The objective of dPCom is to collaborate with industrial players already delivering pressure measurement equipment to the health sector in order to improve quality control and diagnostics compared to existing industrial devices. dPCom is also in the process of developing a handheld non-invasive version that can be used in doctor’s surgeries and by patients at home.
"We believe Sensometrics® will become the new standard for pressure measurements, which will improve patient care based on new diagnostic information and quality control. Our vision is to make the technology available in all hospitals, doctor’s surgeries and in general throughout the world for measuring the intracranial (ICP) and blood pressure,” says Stadheim. In addition to the business potential, it is equally important for dPCom that quality control and accurate diagnostic information from Sensometrics can help patients get the correct treatment and save lives, " emphasizes Stadheim.
- Elderly care
- cardiac-induced
- cardiac-induced pressure waves
- vital signs
- stroke
- sensometrics® technology
- sensometrics
- non-invasive pressure
- monitor
- intracranial pressure
- intracranial non-invasive surface locations
- hydrocephalus
- head injury
- dynamic/pulsatile pressure
- dementia
- brain tumors
- blood pressure
- arterial hypertension
dPCom A/S is a Norwegian medical technology company, which allows healthcare professionals to safely and accurately monitor pressures in patients. The company has developed a new innovative technology that significantly improves the diagnostic information from invasive and non-invasive pressure measurements, focusing on intracranial pressure (ICP) and blood pressure (ABP). The new method is suitable for use in intensive care units (ICU) for the monitoring of brain disease/injury, and for diagnostic pressure monitoring in general. Sensometrics® Technology significantly improves pressure diagnostics for healthcare professionals and has a leading role in non-invasive intracranial pressure diagnostics.
dPCom A/S was founded in 2001 after physicians at The National Hospital (Rikshospitalet) in Oslo discovered problems with traditional pressure monitoring methodology. A series of clinical studies have since been carried out , and numerous scientific articles documenting the weaknesses of traditional measuring methods have been published.
Sensometrics® Software is compatible with several industrial pressure measuring devices, and is CE certified and has received US clearance from the FDA. The technology is protected by several patents.
Sensometrics® and Always safe pressure diagnostics™ are registered trademarks.
Trond Stadheim/CEO
dPCom A/S
Sensometrics® Technology provides safe diagnostic information from intracranial and blood pressure monitoring. The technology is of particular significance for the management of patients with hydrocephalus, head injury, stroke, dementia, chronic headache, brain tumors, and diseases caused by arterial hypertension. Sensometrics® Technology identifies the cardiac-induced pressure waves from various locations, including non-invasive surface locations, and is the leading technology today for dynamic invasive and non-invasive pressure monitoring.