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Who will Explain Legion End-Game Rewards System and safewow 10% off wow gold(6.28-7.4)

Ion "Watcher" Hazzikostas made an extensive post detailing the end-game rewards system in Legion, as well as the random item upgrades. Read on to find out how item level and loot will work in the upcoming expansion.

end game rewards

In Legion, every item from an end-game source (dungeon, raid, world quest, PvP strongbox, mission, etc.) has a base item level and a chance to be upgraded (an upgradeable item will be marked with a "+"). When you earn an upgradeable item, the system rolls for a +5 upgrade. If it succeeds, it continues to roll for +5 upgrades until it fails or you reach the item-level cap. This cap will be around 850 ilvl for the first two weeks after Legion's launch and 895 ilvl once the Emerald Nightmare raid and Mythic+ dungeons are introduced. Titanforged items are the ones that roll an item level upgrade of +15 or more, they are simply "better Warforged items".

A lot of people have criticised this system for being too random and luck-dependent. However, Watcher has an answer to this: the players' item level will still be equivalent to the type and difficulty of content they are doing. There is just an additional chance for a player to get an extremely good item, which is way better that the content he/she does - this, however, will be a rare and very random occurrence. In essence, players within the same guild and doing the same type of content will have pretty much the same item level.

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