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​Global and China Electronic Intelligent Controller Industry 2013-2016

Electronic intelligent controllers underline automatic control and computer technology as the core, as well as integrate microelectronics with electronic and electrical technology, for the purpose of improving efficiency, precision and intelligence of electrical equipment.

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In recent years, the development of electronic technology and people’s pursuit for intelligence has boosted the rapid development of the electronic intelligent controller industry. In 2013, the global intelligent controller industry realized the sales of approximately USD1.0711 trillion, representing a year-on-year increase of 20%; wherein, China achieved about USD133.7 billion (USD1 = RMB6.2), up 21% year on year, equivalent to 12% of the world.

Automotive electronics, electric tools & industrial equipment and household appliances act as three major application fields of electronic intelligent controllers, contributing 20%, 16% and 13% to China's electronic intelligent controller sales in 2013.

The electronic intelligent controllers made in China not only meet the domestic demand, but also are exported to foreign markets. In 2013, China exported about 90.71 million sets of electronic intelligent controllers valued about USD1.6 billion. The United States, Japan and Hong Kong were major export destinations, occupying 20%, 11% and 10% of China’s export volume in 2013.

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Driven by downstream applications and national policies, the sales of China electronic intelligent controller industry is expected to grow 13% annually within the next three years. In view of this, major manufacturers have taken a number of measures to accelerate the development of their intelligent controller business.

Shenzhen Topband: In May 2014, Shenzhen Topband raised RMB109 million for intelligent control technological innovation and capacity expansion projects. Upon completion, the intelligent controller capacity will jump by 11.90 million sets / year.

Hodgen Technology: In April 2014, Hodgen Technology spent RMB250 million on the construction of "Intelligent Control and R & D Base Project Phase I" which is expected to go into production in June 2016 to raise the intelligent controller capacity to 9.67 million units / year. The realization of Phase II in 2017 will further expand the capacity to 15 million sets / year.

Shenzhen HT Intelligent Control: In June 2014, Shenzhen HT Intelligent Control signed Smart Home Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement with Xilinmen to jointly develop and produce smart bedroom and sleep products, as well as intelligent sleep monitoring system and management system for specific population.

Yitoa Intelligent Control: In 2014, Yitoa Intelligent Control starts to cooperate with engineering companies after opening up the electronic intelligent controller market through agents. In addition, the company set up a subsidiary - Yitoa Online and plans to promote intelligent controllers via O2O.

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Table of Content

1. Electronic Intelligent Controller Industry Overview

1.1 Definition and Characteristics

1.2 Business Pattern

1.3 Industry Chain

2. Global Electronic Intelligent Controller Market Status

2.1 Market Size

2.2 Market Structure

3. China Electronic Intelligent Controller Industry Status

3.1 Development Environment

3.2 Market Size

3.3 Market Structure

3.4 Import & Export

3.4.1 Import

3.4.2 Export

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