Press release -
Healthy Lifestyles in Canada Market Share 2014
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Table of Content
Executive Summary
Demographic overview
Over half of Canadians are overweight/obese, with consumption of fruit and vegetables having levelled off
Figure 1: Body mass index, overweight or obese, self-reported, 18+, 2009-13
The consumer
Most Canadians believe they are healthy
Figure 2: Canadians’ perceived health, May 2014
Lack of motivation and time are the main barriers to being healthier
Exercise, a balance diet, and sleep are key factors for healthy living
Figure 3: Important factors for a healthy lifestyle, May 2014
Many Canadians participate in health activities on a regular basis
Figure 4: Frequency of participating in lifestyle activities, May 2014
Most Canadians understand the importance of healthy living
Figure 5: Attitudes towards healthy lifestyles, May 2014
Canadians are interested in apps/wearable technology, but currently exhibit low usage
What we think
Issues and Insights
Women are driving healthy living in Canada
The facts
The implications
Improving healthy lifestyles among less affluent Canadians
The facts
The implications
Improving uptake of wearable technology
The facts
The implications
Helping Canadians understand the difference between health and fitness
The facts
The implications
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Trend Application
Trend: Second Skin
Trend: Mood To Order
Trend: Slow It All Down
Demographic Overview
Key points
Canada’s population is expected to age in the coming years
Figure 6: Projected trends in the age structure of the Canada population, 2014-19
Life expectancy continues to rise
Figure 7: Trends in Canadian life expectancy, by gender, 1991-2012
Over half of Canadians are overweight or obese
Figure 8: Body mass index, self-reported rate of being overweight or obese among Canadian adults, 2009-13
One in five Canadians smoke
Figure 9: Canadians 20+ who reported being current smokers, 2009-13
Canadian fruit and vegetable consumption flatlines
Figure 10: Recommended number of food guide servings per day in Canada
Figure 11: Share of Canadians who eat five or more fruit and vegetable portions per day, 2001-13
Physical activity on the rise
Who’s Innovating?
Key points
Food and drink brands look to broaden their appeal
Figure 12: Percentage to total of food and drink launches in Canada, by claim category, 2010-14
Kosher reinforces its position as the go-to claim
Figure 13: Percentage to total of food and drink launches in Canada, by specific claim, 2010-14
Private labels up their ‘healthier’ NPD activity
Figure 14: Food and drink NPD with a ‘minus’ claim, branded vs private label in Canada, 2010-14
Vitamins and capsule formats become more diverse
Figure 15: Percentage to total of vitamins and dietary supplements launches, by format, 2010-14*
Selection of other miscellaneous interesting ‘healthy’ launches
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