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Nutritionist James McKillop lends insight into seniors and eating healthy

But health issues and physical limitations sometimes make it difficult for seniors to get the nutrients they need for a balanced diet. Poor nutrition and malnutrition occur in 15 to 50 percent of the elderly population. The best ways to find out why your loved one isn't eating well are to pay attention, look for clues and ask questions. Encourage him to talk openly and honestly, and reassure him that he is not a burden to you or anyone else.

Reducing fats and increasing starch and fiber into daily diets helps reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and diseases of the intestinal trac. Reducing the amount of sodium in daily diets reduces the risk of strokes.Growing older doesn't have to mean growing weaker.  By paying attention to their food intake, aging parents engaging in a physically active lifestyle may prevent or at least slow down disease processes such as osteoporosis, heart disease and diabetes.

Unintentional weight loss and malnutrition are common problems in the elderly. Taste and smell changes, as well as feelings of loneliness and depression, contribute to decreased appetite, while many elderly people may eat less because of chewing difficulties, fatigue, and social reasons. If bones decrease in density, then osteoporosis develops over time.

"Address poor eating habits before they can lead to long-term health issues," said nutrionist James McKillop.


  • Elderly care


  • james mckillop
  • james k. mckillop
  • nutrition

About James McKillop
James McKillop RD, LD is a registered and licensed dietitian and sports nutritionist. He is an internationally-health advocate, author and speaker. McKillop received his M.A. from Cornell and in 1938, from the same institution, he accepted his Ph.D. in nutrition with honors. He has helped thousands of people in over 65 countries learn how to take control of their health--and keep it. His book, "The Fitness/Nutrition Guide," is a step-by-step guide to optimum health.