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Ask a Nobel Laureate, David Gross, on YouTube and Facebook
Press Release
25 May 2010
Ask a Nobel Laureate, David Gross, on YouTube and Facebook
David Gross, awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics 2004, is the latest to take part in our special “Ask a Nobel Laureate” series on YouTube and Facebook. “Ask a Nobel Laureate” gives online viewers worldwide the unique opportunity to put their questions directly to a Nobel Laureate and see the responses.
David Gross was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for devising a theory that explained how one of Nature’s fundamental forces binds the smallest building blocks of matter – the subatomic quarks that make up protons and neutrons. Professor Gross has brought physics one step closer to fulfilling a grand dream: to unite the four fundamental forces that govern everything from the frantic actions between quarks to the majestic movement of the galaxies. The theories and predictions made by Professor Gross are some of the ideas that will be tested at the multi-billion dollar Large Hadron Collider in CERN, a project he describes as exceeding the Egyptian pyramids in its construction and ambition.
You can submit your questions to David Gross on the Nobel Prize YouTube channel ( or on the Facebook page ( Video or text questions will be accepted (though video questions are preferred), and you can visit the channels to see questions that have already been posted. The deadline for submitting questions is 25 June 2010. David Gross will then answer a selection of questions, and his answers will be broadcast on our YouTube channel.
If you are searching for inspiration, take a look at the previous ”Ask a Nobel Laureate” sessions with John Mather, Nobel Prize in Physics 2006 and Albert Fert, Nobel Prize in Physics 2007. Questions from students and the general public have ranged from “Can you describe your Nobel Prize-awarded work in a drawing?” to “What happened before the Big Bang?” to “How do you inspire the next generation of scientists?”.
Ask a Nobel Laureate, David Gross, on YouTube:
For more information about David Gross and his Nobel Prize-awarded discovery, visit: The Nobel Prize in Physics 2004
David Gross autobiography
Interview with David Gross
Lecture by David Gross: The Future of Physics
To view the previous questions and answers from the Ask a Nobel Laureate series, visit:
John Mather, Nobel Prize in Physics 2006
Albert Fert, Nobel Prize in Physics 2007
Media Contact
Nobel Web AB
Merci Olsson
Marketing and Communications Manager
Tel: +(46) 738 52 35 95
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