Press release -

Sleepsafe Baby Sleepsuit is amazing

What recession ???   Milton Keynes companySleepsafe UK Limited Goes from strength to strength with new baby product world-wide contracts signed and  has now achieved a  nearly full order book and also has signed contracts with overseas distributors on  5 year contractual basis.  We have a product that's new, innovative, and much more important it could save lives of babies at risk, if they have a fever or are simply too hot the garment shows the parent by changing colour from Pink,Blue or Yellow back to White warning the parent that the babies either possibly has a temperature indicating a fever or is simply overheating.  For babies that might be far too cold Sleepsafe are also working on there newest recipe for hypothermia to indicate the change at sub zero temperatures to show if the babies too cold or in danger of hypothermia.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------These Garments have been developed  to simply assure the parents that there may be some thing wrong and should never be used as a medical remedy. We just want to be able to help young mothers and fathers with the health and safety of their babies and also hopefully be able to help prevent cot deaths also.Which overheating [in some case's] has been attributed too, as the possible cause of cot deaths. Sleepsafe are now in the Process of developing the THERMO-TEC  Secret recipe for military uses also, and sports and leisure fields. The possibilities are endless. When you have a good product it sells itself.                                                 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This product is causing a absolute storm in the Health and Safety circles of children's wear IN UK AND EUROPE. The fabric is produced with a secret recipe and is sold under the name "Sleepsafe" using Thermo-Tec process a registered Trade Mark of Sleepsafe UK Limited the Garments purpose is to re-assure parents that the babies not too hot or has a temperature? We are currently selling in many overseas countries successfully.It's about to be launched in the UK & USA copywrited and registered to Sleepsafe UK Limited worldwide patents apply. The garment is NOT JUST ANOTHER ROMPER It changes colour as soon as the baby gets "too hot" or has a temperature this makes it a "health garments as well as a romper" its a pre-warning to young mothers that the baby has a fever or illness. Meningitis could be spotted early on as it would show up ion the garment as hot spots in white.The garmen is NOT TO BE SOLD AS A MEDICAL REMEDY  But purely as a reassurance to mothers  that the baby may have a temperature and needs to be checked. The garment changes from blue or Pink  or yellow back to white as soon as the babies temperature goes above the normal 37c and when the tempreature returns to normal the garment will then revert back to its original colour. It is fantastic Its selling now  Via Sleepsafe Distributors in China, South Africa, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Italy, Brazil.Sleepsafe is now about to Launch in the EC and UK Markets.                                                                        RRP[1] Single Hanging pack                                   £10.95[2] Twin Hanging Pack                                     £19.95[3] Single Boxed presentation pack                   £10.99[4] Twin presentation box Pack                         £19.99[5] Beanie hat                                                 £  3.99 Sleepsafe [UK] Ltd.
Beachampton Business Park,
Units 14-15 Nash Road,
Milton Keynes.
MK19. 6EA.
Tel: +44 [0] 1908 262395 Cel: +44 7710 780 737
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  • Children, Youth