Press release -
SOLVATTEN® Featured in the Shanghai World Exhibtion
SOLVATTEN® is being featured in the Sweden Pavilion of the Shanghai Expo from 1 May to 31 October. It is expected that 70 million people will visit Expo, and they will be able to see Solvatten amongst some of Sweden’s most successful innovations.
Three keywords for Sweden’s participation have been established as Expo cornerstones: Innovation, Sustainability, and Communication.
These keywords have been further developed into Sweden’s theme for Expo 2010: Sweden – Spirit of Innovation.
- Environment, Energy
- swedish delegation for sustainable cities
- blue air
- crem
- ivl
- iva
- swedish chamber of commerce china
- oriflame
- springtime
- atlas copco ab
- abb
- spotify
- skype
- h & m hennes & mauritz ab
- wwf
- vi skogen
- amref
- un habitat
- korsnäs
- finnair
- sas
- tetrapac
- swedish consulate general shanghai
- boverket
- swedish institute
- greencarrier
- electrolux
- volvo
- ssab
- tast of nordic
- tillväxtverket
- wallenius water
- swedish trade council
- lotus travel
- scandinavian perspectives
- ibl
- sweco
- wsp
- skf
- renova
- vågenergi
- celciustermometern
- ikea
- doro
- elekta
- astra zeneca
- alfa laval
- fagerhult
A patented, scientifically proven Swedish invention, the SOLVATTEN® unit uses heat and UV from the sun, and a built-in filter, to purify contaminated water. SOLVATTEN® makes microbiologically contaminated water drinkable in 2-6 hours, depending on the weather. An indicator shows when the water is safe to drink. SOLVATTEN® is part of the WHO International Network to Promote Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage.
Providing SOLVATTEN to households will help contribute towards sustainable development, through improved living standards, improved health, protection of the environment, and by making income-generating activities possible.
The portable 10-liter unit can improve the daily lives of millions of people who do not have access to safe drinking water, thereby contributing to the realization of the Millennium Development Goals.