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Sona Diamond Jewelry

Sona Diamond Designer

The Israel Diamond Industry in conjunction with the Diamond Manufacturers of Israel, have recently aligned their diamond industry directly with the Jewish diamond merchants in Antwerp- Belgium. This business alliance has made the Israel Diamond Industry the second largest in the world and is closing the gap with India. They have expanded their diamond mining operations into Africa to further strengthen their economic position. Their goal is to become number one by developing a complete one-stop diamond operation from mining to selling finished diamond jewelry retail worldwide.

With the gift of Sona, you can get the unique custom jewelries and relive unforgettable moments over and over again. A glance at your jewelries can take you to a place that nobody else will comprehend or dare to understand and Sona offers you a one way trip every time. Clasp the beauty that’s within your reach with a beautiful Sona Diamond.

About Sona Diamond :See Sona's Designer Ring Category. The 'House of Sona' master artisan jewelers inspiration and creation, of what our customers say are the best designer rings ever..

About Sona Diamond

Then we have the natural “Prince Cut” diamond with [111] facets that reflects light like a round shape in the top and like a princess shape in the bottom..Resulting in the full brilliance of a round and the fire scintillation of a square. The Man Made Diamond princess cut has [76] facets. Also there is the “Diallennium Cut” with [100] facets round shape that has more external and internal reflections of light and can distinguish more colors of the spectrum. Lastly, we have the “Ariella Cut” with [114] facets round shape with super intense brilliance never seen in another diamond cut.

The rest of the world is now waking up to the colossal economic stakes. Now Europe and Japan have begun scientific endeavor toward the quest of creating the first synthetic lab created diamond computer chip. But Intel, the largest silicon chip producer in the United States is apparently indifferent to it all. The comment by Soumyanath, Intel’s director of communication circuits research,”It takes about ten years to evaluate a new material, we have a lot invested in silicon and we’re not about to abandon that.” Unless Intel has revised it’s position, the torch is in the hands of Apollo Diamond and DeBeers Element Six synthetic laboratories.

Sona Diamond Designer :At visitors can enjoy the opportunity to go through the unparallel craftsmanship of the 'The House of Sona.' The brilliance and intensity of the diamond jewelry, present here, are offered at reasonable prices to the customers. The science involved in the creation of these diamond jewelries are unique and cannot be compared with the ones sold in the market. On this website you can register yourself and get the jewelry of your choice right at your doorsteps.

About Sona Diamond The diamonds here are special because they are the outcome of several years of research. It involves the use of Ion Jet beam that is used to implant crystals of natural diamond into a oppositely charged crystalline core. This enabled the growth of a natural diamond layer around the gemstone. These hybrid simulated diamonds are reasonably priced and easily available on this website.

Sona Diamond Then we have the natural “Prince Cut” diamond with [111] facets that reflects light like a round shape in the top and like a princess shape in the bottom..Resulting in the full brilliance of a round and the fire scintillation of a square. The Man Made Diamond princess cut has [76] facets. Also there is the “Diallennium Cut” with [100] facets round shape that has more external and internal reflections of light and can distinguish more colors of the spectrum. Lastly, we have the “Ariella Cut” with [114] facets round shape with super intense brilliance never seen in another diamond cut.

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