Press release -

Coffee For Amazing Skin Care!!!

Because of antioxidant properties, tightening and firming qualities, coffee and caffeine are finding their way into skin lotions and creams. Caffeine can act as an antioxidant, a diuretic and a vasoconstrictor. For many years, caffeine has been used in products to reduce cellulite. It’s clear that caffeine dehydrates the fat cells by energizing them which in turn causes the sodium and potassium component of the cells to vacate. Consequently, water disappears as well.

Caffeine’s vaso-constricting feature also can make it as a favorite ingredient in eye gels for reducing puffiness and dark circles as well as tightening skin around the eyes. Applying caffeine in this delicate area can easily tighten fine lines and smooth puffy surfaces. Of course, nothing can eliminate the cellulite or troubled skin around the eyes completely. The best you can hope for is noticeable improvement, possibly for a few hours. Due to the revolution of coffee based skin products, now it is seen in body scrubs, face creams and fragrances.

Number of products are even smell like coffee and contain ground coffee intended as an exfoliate. Some merchants have even gone so far as to suggest that the absorption of caffeine through the skin will yield the sort of alertness you can expect from drinking coffee.

Not so fast say the dermatologists. None of the products harbor concentrations sufficient to produce the jounce one might hope for from a cup of coffee. Moreover, absorption is through the skin slow, hence it is questionable whether enough of coffee’s stuff can penetrate to enhance alertness. Infusing the coffee aroma in products to stimulate perkiness by association.

Research have been suggested that the caffeine in coffee may kill off skin cancer cells on radiated animals. So far, the results appear promising, but cannot be translated to humans. However, many sunscreen lotions contain caffeine since it has been shown to have some sun blocking effects.

Some of the people are even suggesting that investing in expensive skin care products is unnecessary. It’s proved that you can receive the same benefits by concocting your own home brewed coffee soaps and body scrubs from used coffee grounds. Formulas are even offered. So start shower with your espresso!!!


  • Drink


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  • jamaican blue mountain coffee

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is the registered trade description for the coffee grown in the deep rural Blue Mountains of Jamaica. This coffee is noted all over the world for its distinctive aroma, mild flavor and lack of bitterness. Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is widely revered as the world’s best coffee.