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Aviation Week's Lara Seligman named best young aerospace journalist

Every year there is a major trade air show in Europe, either in London or Paris, and every year the global aerospace and defense trade press gathers for an awards dinner the night before the show starts. This year, Nammo had the honor of sponsoring the award for the best young journalist, and we are happy to confirm that the award went to Ms. Lara Seligman of Aviation Week. The award was presented during this year's Aerospace Media Dinner at the Aeroclub de France in Paris Sunday night. 

Quality trade journalism is essential to the health and future of the aerospace and defense industry. The technologies, issues and programs the industry works with are difficult to follow unless one dedicated time and effort to do so. Nammo is committed to working with global trade press to enable them to fulfill their task fairly and efficiently. We congratulate Lara Seligman on her well earned award, and look forward to working with her and her colleagues going forward. 


Endre Lunde

Press contact Senior Vice President, Communications +4790853270

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