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As China’s ‘Black Friday’ Shopping Extravaganza Smashes Online Sales Record, Blueair Air Purifiers Rank Top Choice For Consumers

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As China’s ‘Black Friday’ Shopping Extravaganza Smashes Online Sales Record, Blueair Air Purifiers Rank Top Choice For Consumers

Stockholm, Sweden, November 12, 2015 – The power of Chinese consumption saw Blueair air purifiers hit record sales levels across China as hordes of online shoppers turned November 11 Single Day – China’s ‘Black Friday’ equivalent – into a shopping splurge of epic proportions with retail giant Alibaba sales alone touching US$14.3bn.

“With sales surging up to seven times higher than last November’s ‘Singles Day’, Blueair this year ranked the top selling brand in the air purifier category on both the important and Tmall online platforms! We are excited so many Chinese consumers – from Shanghai to the provinces of Liaoning and Heilongjiang – took advantage of our tailored promotions to invest in their health and wellbeing by buying a Blueair indoor air purifier,” said Sam Li, head of Blueair China operations.

Mr. Li said that during 'Singles Day', Blueair achieved the highest takings ever seen over a 24 hour period, which underlined the influence of the Blueair brand and the strength of the company’s after sales service.

Blueair founder and CEO Bengt Rittri said Blueair’s e-commerce performance showed how the Swedish air purifying company was winning the hearts and minds of Chinese consumers wanting proven solutions to help them battle the health consequences of air pollution.

“People know that no matter how hard we fight the causes of air pollution today, it will still take decades before we see real improvement. So, the only option for us is to create safe havens inside our homes and workplaces by using efficient indoor air purifiers to deliver cleaner, healthier air,” said Mr. Rittri.

Blueair’s China operation, which recently celebrated its tenth anniversary in China, said its use of various online platforms such as and Alibaba’s TMall attracts thousands of consumers. Studies show Blueair has become a highly trusted, air-purifying brand of choice in China thanks to its high performance air purifiers, production quality and honest marketing claims

“Sold at over 600 store in key locations across China, Blueair works hard to help Chinese consumers to make the right choice in a market that sees many competitors overstating the performance of their products. While we are very happy with our November 11 sales success, the biggest winners are those consumers who have made the choice for a healthier home environment free of airborne contaminants by buying a Blueair appliance,” said Sam Li.

For more information, please contact:


David Noble,

Blueair International PR Communications Manager

T: +44 7785 302 694




Sold in over 60 countries around the world, Blueair delivers home and office users more clean indoor air for enhanced user health and wellbeing faster than any competing air purifier thanks to its commitment to quality, energy efficiency and environmental care. A Blueair air purifier works efficiently, silently to remove 99.97% of allergens, asthma triggers, viruses, bacteria and other airborne pollutants.

Blueair is a world leading producer of air purification solutions for home and professional use

Blueair is a world leading producer of air purification solutions for home and professional use. Founded in Sweden, Blueair delivers innovative, best-in-class, energy efficient products and services sold in over 60 countries around the world. Blueair is part of the Unilever family of brands.


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11526 Stockholm

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