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​  Congratulations Pippi!

Nyhet -

​ Congratulations Pippi!

The countdown has begun for Pippi Longstocking’s 70th Birthday Party, and it’s going to be a big roaring celebration both in Sweden and other places around the world.

May 21 is the actual birthday – that’s today, HURRAY! This was the day when Astrid Lindgren’s daughter Karin was given the manuscript as a present on her 10th birthday. In Sweden the great party takes place at Skansen in Stockholm on 23 May. During the day you’ll be treated to theatre, a sing-along, a treasure hunt, a Pippi market and a lot of fun and games. We are expecting that around 15,000 people are going to come and celebrate Pippi’s Birthday on that day.

“As the newly appointed CEO it’s of course very satisfying to find that our efforts to maintain Pippi’s popularity and finding new readers for Pippi and the rest of Astrid’s books beyond the Swedish borders continues to be successful”, says Olle Nyman.

In collaboration with the Swedish Institute and the Swedish embassies abroad, Saltkråkan is seeing to it that as many as possible get the opportunity of taking part in the celebrations. Some of the places where the birthday is being given attention are: the Pacific region, Malaysia, Austria, the Arab Emirates, China, Macedonia, Serbia, Estonia, Indonesia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, Albania, USA, Japan, France and Cyprus. We suggest you follow the celebrations in social media via #Pippi70!

“After 70 years, Pippi is still just as current and a role-model for children, especially girls, all around the world. She is courageous, funny and exciting; she tests our attitudes and there is a deeper, serious side to her as well. Simply put, Pippi happens to be interesting in every way”, says Emma Jansson, Project Leader at the Swedish Institute.

At Astrid Lindgren’s World in Vimmerby, they are putting on parties every day during the summer season.

“It’s going to be great fun to celebrate Pippi! It will be noticed in several places in our park, not least in Villa Villekulla where we will end each day, from 12 June, with Pippi celebrating her birthday”, says Joacim Johansson, CEO at Astrid Lindgren’s World

”Little Squiggle, you are clever, I do not want to grew up ever” says Pippi Longstocking, 9 years old.



Anna Forslund

Anna Forslund

Presskontakt Communications Manager 0734-444 830

Astrid Lindgren Aktiebolag äger och förvaltar de rättigheter som är associerade med Astrid Lindgren och hennes författarskap.

Vi verkar för att värna hennes verk och föra konstnärskapet vidare till nya generationer.
I grund och botten bygger vår verksamhet på en kärlek till Astrid Lindgren och hennes verk. Den kärleken vill vi sprida till så många barn och vuxna som möjligt i framtiden. Vi vill att utvecklingen ska ske på ett sätt som bevarar originalet och Astrid Lindgrens känsla.

Astrid Lindgren Aktiebolag (The Astrid Lindgren Company)

Östermalmsgatan 87 C, 4 tr
114 59 Stockholm