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Swedish EdTech Dugga Learning Assessment launches in Asia /Photo: Anna Demianenko
Swedish EdTech Dugga Learning Assessment launches in Asia /Photo: Anna Demianenko

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Swedish EdTech Dugga launches in Asia during Business of Design Week Hong Kong and an inauguration by HRH Prince Carl Philip

Invited by Business Sweden and the Consulate General of Sweden in Hong Kong, Swedish EdTech company Dugga Learning Assessment announces today their launch onto the Asian market during Business of Design Week (BODW) in Hong Kong. The event is supported and attended by HRH Prince Carl Philip.

The goal is to introduce Swedish EdTech companies such as Dugga to the Asian market and to provide the opportunity to connect and interact with investors, school principals/leaders and representatives from the Hong Kong government during exclusive roundtable discussions with Education as a central theme. For a company such as Dugga this theme is of high importance since their learning assessment system is created together with teachers whereby striving for pedagogical excellence is key. 

Dugga will also participate in the inauguration, by HRH Prince Carl Philip, of the Swedish Pavilion where Swedish creative industries and innovative businesses in the region are promoted. During the week the organizers strive to create a strong platform for business opportunities and long-term relation building with stake holders that will pave the way for more successful Swedish companies in Asia. 

"Considering its vast growth rate with an increasingly growing middle-class, its great focus on obtaining the best education opportunities while not shying away from technological development, entering the Asian market is a strategic and natural next step to take for Dugga", says Robert Rosenberg, Chief Operative Officer for Dugga Learning Assessment.

Press contact:

Claudia Rademaker, Chief Marketing Officer at Dugga Learning Assessment

claudia.rademaker@dugga.se, +46 70 730 72 07

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Digital tests with automatic correction, measurable results and full integration with the learning platform

Dugga is an easy-to-use, flexible and secure digital learning assessment system for various types of tests, exams, assignments, homework assignments and national exams. Dugga is platform independent and can be used on for example PC, Mac, Chromebook and iPad. The system gives teachers the opportunity to spend more quality time with their students instead of spending much time on tedious correcting and grading tasks. Dugga suits all levels of education. More information: www.dugga.com


Claudia Rademaker

Claudia Rademaker

Presskontakt VP, COO, Co-Founder +46 (0)8-30 70 80
Peter Wilcke

Peter Wilcke

Presskontakt CEO +46 (0)8 307080

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Dugga's integration with Microsoft Office 365 and School Data Sync will accelerate the shift from paper to digitalized forms of learning assessment worldwide /Photo: rawpixel

New integration between Dugga and Microsoft Office 365 enables schools worldwide to speed up the shift from paper to digital forms of learning assessment

​The Swedish EdTech company Dugga announces today that their learning assessment system is now fully integrated with Microsoft Office 365. This innovative integration means that schools and universities worldwide can now benefit from an integrated system for all types of learning assessment such as tests, assignments and national exams, all within a familiar, safe and easy-to-use environment.

Samarbetet med Microsoft innebär en värdefull uppbackning i Duggas arbete med digitaliseringen av den svenska skolan.

Microsoft stödjer digitala prov för skola och universitet Inleder partnerskap med svenska Dugga

Microsoft har inlett ett partnerskap med det svenska företaget Dugga, som erbjuder digitala provsystem. Samarbetet innebär att Duggas användare får en trygg och säker tillgång till sina konton och Duggas olika verktyg, vilket innebär en värdefull uppbackning i Duggas arbete med digitaliseringen av den svenska skolan. Microsoft kommer även att tillhandahålla Dugga i Microsoft Classroom.

Integrationen mellan Dugga, Microsoft Office 365 och School Data Sync kommer att accelerera skiftet från papper till digitaliserade former av kunskapsutvärdering över hela världen /Foto: Ben White

​Ny integration mellan Dugga och Microsoft Office 365 accelererar skiftet till digitala prov och kunskapsutvärdering världen över

Svenska EdTech-företaget Dugga tillkännager idag att deras system för kunskapsutvärdering integrerats med Microsoft Office 365. Integrationen ger skolor och universitet över hela världen möjlighet att dra nytta av ett helt integrerat system för alla typer av kunskapsutvärdering såsom prov, läxförhör, inlämningsuppgifter och nationella prov, allt paketerat i en välkänd, säker och lättanvänd miljö.

Världens främsta skolor inom digitalisering och lärande använder Dugga som helhetslösning för alla typer av digitala prov.

Dugga är ett snabbväxande, prisbelönt EdTech-bolag som har utvecklat en digital helhetslösning för alla typer av kunskapsutvärdering. Bolaget startade som ett forskningsprojekt och används idag av Sveriges främsta skolor och kommuner samt internationellt.

Dugga AB

Torsgatan 39
113 62 Stockholm

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