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KRAV aims to achieve 20 per cent by 2020

Sales of KRAV-labelled food in Sweden are currently around 4 per cent of Swedish food sales. This is good, but far from being good enough. KRAV’s ambition is to increase its share to 20 per cent by 2020, including sales to the public sector.

It is time to take the next major step. Together with actors on the organic market, KRAV aims to increases sales of KRAV-labelled food. There is huge potential within grocery sales, school catering and restaurants in public institutions. There is similar potential in the KRAV brand.

– KRAV is Sweden’s best-known sustainable label for food, but it is not enough for consumers simply to know and like KRAV. They also have to buy KRAV-labelled food to a greater extent. We know that there are around a million consumers in Sweden who want to do so. And these are the people we want to reach, said Lars Nellmer, CEO of KRAV.

As a first step, KRAV is releasing an animated short film that clearly demonstrates the differences between KRAV-labelled food and ordinary food. For example, it shows KRAV-labelled cows out grazing in meadows and being given feed produced without pesticides, in contrast to other cows.

– KRAV-labelled food has major advantages compared with ordinary food. We must highlight the differences so that they are clearer to the consumer. Simply by buying KRAV-labelled food, consumers can make a positive contribution to their own health and environment and to that of other people and of animals, said Lars Nellmer.

The film is the first step in the new market communication programme that KRAV is working to produce during autumn 2013.

– KRAV is a dream client for Futerra. Becoming the main bureau for KRAV will allow us to work with creative depth, communicative expertise and our knowledge of sustainability. KRAV is an incredibly strong brand and a great addition to our customer portfolio of which we are very proud, said  Magnus Ljungberg, CEO of Futerra.

Want to share the film? You can do this in one of three ways:

  1. The film is available on the KRAV website, you can share it from there.
  2. The film (also in english) is posted on our page at YouTube. Follow the instructions to copy the film to your website.
  3. Contact:
    Magnus Ljungberg, CEO Futerra, tel: 0046 72-301 61 21
    Lars Nellmer, CEO KRAV, tel: 0046 18 17 45 01
    Kristin Cooper, Press Officer and acting Director of Marketing at KRAV, tel:  0046 70 665 95 30

This is KRAV: Sweden’s best-known environmental labelling system for food, based on organic principles and with particularly high demands on animal welfare, health, social responsibility and climate impact.


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KRAV driver utvecklingen av ekologiska och hållbara livsmedel

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Klostergatan 13, Box 1037
751 40 Uppsala