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The rich wetlands of Kristianstad – a wealth of experiences

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The rich wetlands of Kristianstad – a wealth of experiences

There are wonders waiting to be experienced in the rich wetlands of Kristianstad, all year round. Every winter, hundreds of eagles gather in the area, which was designated a model region for sustainable development in 2005 by UNESCO. The visit begins at Naturum Visitor Centre in the heart of Kristianstad.

It is dawn a frosty January morning; the white-tailed eagles gathered in the trees by the Helge River. A couple of hours later, the winter sun emerges over the Skåne landscape. A few eagles take off, startling a large flock of cackling geese. During the winter, hundreds of eagles gather in the rich wetlands of Kristianstad, drawn here by the abundance of food.

The river Helge å meanders through the rich wetlands of Kristianstad. At the edge of the river, within a stone’s throw from the railway station, you’ll find Naturum Visitor Centre. A fascinating building constructed on stilts in the wetlands, in the heart of Kristianstad – in the heart of Wetlands!

Here can find out more about all the exciting things to discover at the Wetland’s 21 visitor sites. These sites feature bird-watching towers, board walks, information boards and outdoor museums.

Few areas have such a rich and varied natural environment as the Wetlands, also known as Kristianstad’s Vattenrike. The area is home to expansive shore meadows, swamp forests and flowing water, broad-leaved deciduous forest and dry, sandy ground with a unique collection of flora and fauna.

In 2005, UNESCO designated the wetlands of Kristianstad Sweden’s first Biosphere Reserve. In the reserve we work with preserving the landscape, ecosystems, species and biodiversity according to our motto “for the benefit of Man and nature”.

Naturum Visitors’ Centre is open daily, 11.00 a.m.-5.00p.m. 

Further information
Åsa Pearce, Information Officer, Biosphere Office Kristianstads Vattenrike, +46 733 136462, asa.pearce@kristianstad.se


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Välkommen till Kristianstad

Kristianstad är nordöstra Skånes handelscentrum med 86 000 invånare, bara en timmes resa från storstadsområdet vid Öresund. Kristianstads kommun har över 7 000 medarbetare som varje dag gör skillnad i människors vardag. Här finns gott om utrymme för kreativa människor som vill lyfta tillsammans med oss.

Kristianstads kommun

Västra Storgatan 12
291 80 Kristianstad