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​Swepub – bibliometric analysis and linked data

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​Swepub – bibliometric analysis and linked data

The National Library of Sweden (KB) has deployed a new version of Swepub, the national database of research publications. New Swepub is based on linked open data which can be understood by the rest of the web. It features a service for automatic classification.

Swepub collects metadata on research publications including scientific articles, books and artistic works from Swedish universities and research institutions. University libraries provide Swepub with data from their organizations. The aim of new Swepub is to offer improved metadata quality and data enrichments, and to facilitate bibliometric analyses.*

New features include automatic R&D subject classification. The classification algorithm compares the summary, title and keywords of a publication with classifications of similar publications in Swepub.

Swepub is based on the data model Bibframe 2.0 and open linked data. In 2018, the national union catalogue Libris switched to Bibframe, enabling future integrations between the two systems. Linked open data will make the Swepub metadata available to the rest of the web and its search engines.

* Bibliometrics is the quantitative analysis of scientific publications using indicators such as the number of publications. More on Wikipedia.

Three Swepub services – two are new

The new Swepub platform replaces the old Swepub analysis and data processing. Version 1.0 features three services:

1. Bibliometrics
Swepub provides search and data samples for bibliometric analyses, statistics, follow-ups and evaluations. Users can limit their searches to peer-reviewed publication channels (the “Swedish list” created by the Swedish Research Council).

2. Data processing
Data processing is a new service presenting data that needs to be improved as well as data that has been normalized and enriched by Swepub.

3. Subject classification
This new service allows users to get suggested classifications for a specific publication. It uses the same algorithm as the automatic classification by which the summary, title and keywords are compared to similar publications in Swepub.

More features will be added in 2020. In the long term Swepub search will be migrated to the new platform.

Facts: Swepub
Swepub consists of two systems: Swepub search holds metadata on articles, books, conference papers and dissertations from Swedish universities. New Swepub is used for downloading data sets, data analysis (bibliometrics), quality improvements of publication metadata and for subject classification.

KB develops Swepub in collaboration with Swedish higher education institutions through the Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions (SUHF), the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) and the Swedish Research Council (VR).

More information

Contact information
For more information, please contact:

Bodil Wennerlund, Project Manager
+46 10 7093192

Miriam Björkhem, Head of Metadata and Systems Support
+46 10 7093647


Kungliga biblioteket

Kungliga biblioteket, KB, är Sveriges nationalbibliotek. Vi samlar in, bevarar och tillgängliggör allt som ges ut i Sverige, från handskrifter, böcker och tidningar till musik, tv-program och bilder. Dessutom har vi utländskt material med svensk anknytning.

KB är en statlig myndighet under Utbildningsdepartementet. Som nationalbibliotek utvecklar och främjar vi samverkan i den svenska bibliotekssektorn.


Lotta Serning

Lotta Serning

Presskontakt Kommunikationschef 070-007 33 21

Sveriges Nationalbibliotek

Kungliga biblioteket, KB, är Sveriges nationalbibliotek. Våra samlingar sträcker sig mer än tusen år bakåt i tiden och växer för varje dag. Vi samlar in, bevarar och tillgängliggör allt som ges ut i Sverige, från handskrifter, böcker och tidningar till musik, tv-program och bilder.

Dessutom har vi utländskt material med svensk anknytning – översatta böcker, spel av svenska upphovspersoner och film som handlar om Sverige.

KB är en statlig myndighet under Utbildningsdepartementet. Vi utvecklar och främjar samverkan i den svenska bibliotekssektorn. KB är även ett forskningsbibliotek inom humaniora och samhällsvetenskap.