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Pt. 3: DO’S & DON’TS for the post interview period – What to do (and not to do) in a recruitment process

You applied, you went to the interview and now there’s feedback time upcoming. There aren’t really any super big no-no’s regarding the post interview period but a few do’s and don’ts actually exists. Following “Pt. 2: Our top 5 insights and advices regarding the interview session” comes a few things to think about after the first interview.

  • Follow up
    If the recruiter in the end of the interview asks you to do something – perhaps get back with something, or reflect over any specific part regarding the company/role – do follow up according to what you agreed on, i.e. do your homework. It signals interest and creates trust.
  • … Skip answering
    Even if you after the interview feel that you’re not interested in the role, company or whatever it might be, don’t avoid the upcoming phone call from the recruiter. It might actually happen that your ways are in some way crossed in the future, and in that case you’ll be happy that you left a good impression. Take care of your personal brand.
  • Prepare for “yes” feedback
    Some time after the interview, the recruiter will get back to you (otherwise, it’s not a very professional company). If the recruiter comes back with good news, it’s nice to have prepared yourself for questions like: “What did you think about the company/role?”, “Would like to move on in the process and why?” Furthermore, reflect over questions or uncertainties you might have. Specific and concrete answers are much appreciated.
  • … Answer with “I haven’t reflected about it”
    An answer I personally don’t like to get from a candidate I’ve interviewed is; “I haven’t reflected about that”, when I ask what they’ve felt regarding the role/company after the interview. To me this a sign of a candidate that’s not very interested, perhaps didn’t listen that well during the meeting and that this is not very important to them. This does not create a good feeling. (If the recruiter calls you the day after, then of course it can be a legitimate answer. However, that doesn’t happen too often.)
  • If you decide you don’t want the job, call the recruiter
    It might be the case that you after the interview realize that you for some reason don’t want the job. If you feel sure about this – perhaps you said yes to another offer – call the recruiter. You save his/her time and you can finish the process. It will be appreciated.
  • … Call earlier than agreed time
    However, (except from the above reason) if you’ve agreed on a time of when the recruiter will get back to you, don’t call before in an attempt to rush the process. You can definitely be open and transparent in the case you have other processes ongoing, that might need answer. If the recruiter wants you, he/she will try to step up the pace. Otherwise, it’s not much to do.
  • Prepare for “no” feedback
    This is not necessarily something you
    have to do, but it if the recruiter instead comes with bad news, it might be nice with some feedback while you have the chance. If the recruiter decided you won’t move on in the process, ask why and if there’s something you can do differently in your next interview. Taking onboard the feedback for future interviews, your technique should improve.
  • … Argument against a no
    Accept a no. Do not argue against the recruiter. As I wrote above, you can ask for feedback and an answer to why you didn’t move on to the next step, but once you’ve received the answer, accept it and move on.

So here we are. Almost the end of the recruitment process. Perhaps you’re waiting for feedback, or you just received it. It might be cold comfort but no matter if you get the job or not, there’s always things to learn from a recruitment process and following, things to improve until the next. Furthermore, if you do actually got the job you applied for, you probably have a resignation to deal with. The fourth and last article will help you along. Stay cool and wait for “Pt. 4 – How to quit your job and be welcome back”.


Liza Lind
Attract & Recruit, One Agency

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Mia Pääsuke

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