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Picsearch Celebrates Five Years of Image Search Innovation - Picsearch enters a new phase of development and looks to new markets

STOCKHOLM, Sweden, December 1, 2005 - Picsearch announced today that it has entered its sixth year of operations as one of the world's leading developers and providers of image search technology. Started in late 2000 in Stockholm, Picsearch now provides image search solutions to many of the world's largest search engines including MSN Search, Ask Jeeves and Lycos. Entering a new era, Picsearch has reaffirmed its commitment to the highest possible attainment in relevancy, filtering and freshness. It is thanks to these cornerstones that Picsearch has created an extensive network of partners in Europe and North America, catering to users in many different languages. Among the new products that Picsearch will release in 2006 is search support for non-western languages, such as Japanese and Chinese, in preparation for expansion into these new markets. Nils Andersson, CEO of Picsearch, said of the anniversary "I am extremely pleased to mark this milestone for the company. For the past five years Picsearch has been at the forefront of the image search field and through our syndication partners our technology has reached millions of users all over the world. Looking to the future, I am very excited about the new ideas that we have had in development. Our ongoing success will come through our commitment to innovation." About Picsearch Picsearch AB creates the image search solutions that power visual search for many of the Web's leading properties. The company syndicates its technology to search engines and portals to enable them to complete their own search package by acquiring powerful image search capabilities. By enhancing the service that they can offer to their users, Picsearch's syndication partners benefit from increased user-traffic and higher revenue. Since Picsearch's inception in 2000, its syndication partners have come to include top Internet properties MSN Search, Ask Jeeves Inc, Lycos Europe GmbH and Lycos Inc. For more information, visit For more information please contact: Simon McDonald Tel: +46 8 641 2233


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