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Priveq - new growth partner of Ljung & Sjöberg

Ljung & Sjöberg, a private training and care provider specializing in alcohol and drug problems in the business world, brings Priveq Investment ("Priveq") in as new growth partner for the future. Founders, CEO and Management will be part of the ownership group.

Ljung & Sjöberg was founded in 2005 as a training provider. The company works together with some hundred employers across Sweden on alcohol and drug related problems, especially in larger Swedish companies. Through training, investigation, rehabilitation and treatment, Ljung & Sjöberg helps employers save lives. The company has approximately 40 employees, business all over Sweden and its headquarters in Stockholm.

Today, it is estimated that approximately 20% of the population in Sweden uses alcohol or drugs in a detrimental way. Every year, 3-5% of the total wage cost in Sweden represents costs caused by abuse (approximately SEK 45 billion). These costs are incurred as a result of mistakes, lost productivity, poor decisions and sick leave etc. Ljung & Sjöberg is the market leader within its niche, a position established through its proactive work, its unique treatment process and proven range of services within these areas. Through partnership with Priveq, good conditions are created for continued growth and development of the company.

”We are impressed by Ljung & Sjöberg’s strong customer offering, unique position in the market and their admirable work as a proactive partner helping companies with their work concerning problems of addiction. We look forward to working together with Ljung & Sjöberg and to support them in their work in order to help even more companies and ultimately, even more people in the years ahead.” says Henrik Westfeldt, Partner at Priveq.

”We are very pleased to bring Priveq in as a new partner in Ljung & Sjöberg. Access to a partner with broad experience from over 100 growth companies is very positive for the company. We have a clear expansion strategy for the future and I am convinced that Priveq will help us take the next step in our development.” says Sarah Demitz-Helin, CEO of Ljung & Sjöberg.

For further information, please contact:

Henrik Westfeldt, Partner and Investment Manager, Priveq Investment
Tel: +46 8 459 67 65

Sarah Demitz-Helin, CEO Ljung & Sjöberg
Tel: +46 70 042 19 85



About Priveq Investment
For more than 30 years, Priveq Investment has invested in profitable growth companies. The business concept is to generate value through long-term investments and active ownership in unlisted growth companies. Since 1983, approximately SEK 3,5 billion has been invested and Priveq Investment and its employees have carried out 121 investments and been involved in taking 25 companies to an IPO. The current portfolio consists of 16 companies which had a total revenue of SEK 6 billion and approximately 1,700 employees as per December 31, 2015. Some of the current portfolio companies are 21 Grams, Crem International, Ports Group, QleanAir Scandinavia and Visual Art. Behind Priveq Investment is essentially a number of long-term, institutional pension funds in the Nordics and Europe, for example Skandia Liv, Fjärde AP-fonden, Kommunal Landspensjonskasse (KLP) and Europeiska Investeringsfonden (EIF). More information is available at www.priveq.se.

Priveq Investment

Kungsgatan 24
111 35 Stockholm